Dec. 10, 2020
I always get sentimental when something ends. I'm at the end of my first semester of senior year, and I'm so proud of how far I've come. I'm proud of my classmates, and all of my incredible professors who have continued to support us and lead us through these hard times in the world.
This semester in Human-Centered Design has made me a better person, and I don't think it could have come at a better time. I've always been an emotionally intelligent person, but there's something new about me that I can't shake. I credit the events of 2020 and this class for the person I have grown into this year. I look back at the person I was a year ago, and the amount of awareness I've gained since then is crazy. I have learned so much this semester about humanity and the power of good through design. I am much more empathetic, and I look at the world and all of the issues within it with a new heart. I have a newly grown inspiration that I haven't felt in a long time.
Closing time on the first semester, but I know that all of these new traits and tools I've gained will help me immensely in my degree project and in looking at the world with a new lens. There is always more we can do, the work is never done. I'll close with this thought I wrote down from the first day of class.
"Your role as a designer is to be of service, to support, to be an ally. you are not here to help.".